Stewardship is the careful management of something entrusted to us. What has God entrusted to CCBC? He has entrusted us with Finances, Facilities and Human Resources so that we can do a ministry that is deep and wide. We’re doing our best to let God use us to go deep into each CCBCer’s life, besides, reach different parts of the community and the world.
He has entrusted us with Finances, Facilities and Human Resources so that we can do a ministry that is deep and wide.
Understandably, income decreased considerably, due to pandemic, but with the lessening of onsite expenses, as well as, the conscientious use of available funds enabled us to keep afloat and even thrive. We are also carefully studying the prospect of investing our unused Building Fund to a better high yielding portfolio. With this, CCBC’s other giving activities continued: Kalinga, Missions Faith Promise, Everybody’s Birthday, Project Pag-asa.
Although our building is not used as much as before, we are good stewards of our more-than-50-year-old property. Facilities are kept clean, portions were repainted using extra stored paints in the bodega. Our vehicles are well maintained and customized for safety.
Regarding personnel, health was of utmost importance. We strictly complied with the prevailing Community Quarantine regulations and so, Work From Home and skeleton onsite work rotation were enforced. We reviewed the organizational chart and had to do a lot of adjustments in staffing requirements, at the same time, carefully considering the hiring of contractual and retainer personnel, in addition, working with CCBC’s many volunteers. We had to train and retool everyone.
A pandemic did not stop God and His ministry.
He enabled us to continue and even thrive, exposing us to different modes of ministry. Praise be to Him.

Pastor J-cip Lim
Pastor J-cip is the Executive Pastor of CCBC.