by Gail Luz Jabiguero
Hello, I am Gail. I became a Christian at 12 years old, belonged in a Life Group at age 17, and began leading a Connect Group at 24. Those years in between are years of enjoying the presence of God and His people in my life, and the years God used to prepare me to finally obey His Great Commission. I remember my Life Group leader encouraging us to grab every opportunity to be trained in making disciples. The seminars in CCBC inspired me to start leading a small group. The pandemic also paved the way for me to do so due to lesser work in the office.
The joy and excitement that I felt in my heart made my transition into disciple-making a smooth one. No hindrances, no excuses. Praise God for CCBC providing creative and simple lessons for me to use like “Choose Joy.” Being a part of a Life Community where all members are also disciplers encouraged and challenged me. It made me feel well guided, and not alone in the journey. By God’s grace, I am now handling two Connect Groups: one with college girls and one with my fellow young adults. And this is how my Connect group with my fellow young adults started.
Last April, YAM conducted a 3-hour online Holy Week retreat using “Alpha Youth Series” videos. Three of my friends came: a high school friend who resides in US, a college friend, and a friend in the Construction field. I was hesitant at first to disciple my peers. I find it easier to handle those younger than me. I believe their eagerness to learn more about God and their longing for human interaction amid the lockdown gave me the confidence to meet them. In our last meeting, they accepted Jesus in their lives. I am overwhelmed by joy, and I give praises and glory to God for experiencing His love and power through leading seekers He entrusted to me.
(Photos below of Connect Groups with (right) youth and (left) young adults.

Together, let us journey together until we emerge as a God-worshipping church He first designed us to be.